
Some quotes (mostly my own unless otherwise specified). Simply because sometimes it's better for your mind to write the rest...

10/9/14 Is the inventor of a cliche still cliche?
19/10/14 People often judge others' suitability to fit into "their group" based on superficial traits and not their personalities or themselves as people. But would you say the same if your son or daughter married someone who was different to what you were used to? Would you exclude them from your family? No - you would embrace the change and that which came out of it. So let us all embrace the family that is the world we live in together.
We may think others are similar to us because of how they look or sound, but what's on the inside is much more profound.
23/10/14 Nothing is difficult in parts, but when you start to see the bigger picture it begins to overwhelm you. You have to hold on to the smallest links.
27/10/2014 Many subjects and disciplines often try to explain why their discipline is the best. However, physics thinks different - it says that everything is relative to the observer and so of course a connoisseur of  their own discipline would argue that theirs is superior. But since this is the best argument for everyone - wouldn't this make physics the best subject?
31/10/2014 It wasn't until around the 1700's that the concept of negative numbers really began to take shape. Before that time the very idea had seemed absurd, how could you have less than nothing? Nowadays it is even easier to see how essential negative numbers are. All you have to do is look at Greece.
03/12/2014 The hardest challenges to achieve are those that we set ourselves since there is no one there to hold our hands. No one there that we can look up to - no line which we must get to. The hardest thing in the world is knowing the sky is the limit and very often we can never leave the ground ourselves. Of course, I say this is the hardest thing in the world... But when you leave the world and move up into the sky you might find that things back on earth look different. Your problems may seem relatively small.
07/03/2015 Aimless walking does no good, but so does forever staring at a map.
08/03/2015 The coward who carries on fighting is braver than the most fearless of warriors.
10/03/2015 Life is all about probability. The number of times you try dictates the number of times you succeed. Probability agrees that you might win first time, but you probably won't. What is almost certain is that you will eventually succeed if you keep at it.
15/03/2015 The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there. L.P. Hartley
19/03/2015 My atoms do not know I exist. All chaos on a large scale is simply beautiful. Whether it be the function of cells in the body or the harmonies of celestial bodies in the night sky.
19/03/2015 Although sometimes, opinionated people are considered interesting, I find that often the least opinionated people are the most educated. They understand why different people have different points of view and their strong perspectives have been diluted through exposure to a multitude of perspectives.
26/04/2015 The principle of 'Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.' is broader than you might first expect. Instead of rote learning facts, why not learn a single principle which helps you to understand how the facts come to be and learn many facts in one go? Example: the systematic naming system of chemistry. In fact, you could even go further and analyse the etymology of the naming prefixes and suffixes.
09/05/2015 Don't listen to people who tell you not to worry. Worry really hard and expend your worries till you are so tired of worrying you won't be able to even if you want to - only then will you be able to come out the other side and realise how insignificant your worries were.
17/05/2015 Mathematics is very simply our way of giving what humans call 'logic' a tangible form to make it easier to use and manipulate.
27/05/2015 Riddles are the simultaneous equations of the literary world.
18/06/2015 What use is the book of knowledge in the hands of an illiterate child?
21/06/2015 When a man thinks that climbing a mountain is impossible, he need only look up to see that the summit is visible to know that it isn't.
21/06/2015 To prove something is impossible you'll need to demonstrate. Perhaps driving a car is impossible, after all - I have not yet passed my test.
14/10/2015 You can search for answers, but you cannot search for what has yet to be uncovered. That must find you.
18/10/2015 A good teacher is a botanist. They plant the seeds for ideas which their students can then nurture in their own unique gardens.
01/11/2015 The important thing to understand is not why something can be derived, but rather why something you derive is not valid in that situation. What wrong assumptions have you made?
04/12/2015 Live by this philosophy: nothing you ever read or hear is impossible to understand, because someone has done it before you.
13/12/2015 Whenever you need to make a decision, make the decision mentally and pretend for a while that you've already made the decision. Afterwards, you need only see whether during that time you regretted making the decision. Its all well and good to consider pros and cons, but when it comes down to it, you'll be living in the state you imagined.
17/05/2016 We make plans so we can try to follow them, learn why they don't work and in the process realise what we really need to do. There is no way to learn without making mistakes.
15/01/2017 If there is no such thing as a bad question, and there is such thing as a good question, then are all questions good?
27/05/2017 Education does not teach us how to think. It teaches us how not to think. To some extent it stifles creativity but we have limited resources in this world and so some people think it is necessary to stop people thinking about things differently to those around them because its simpler and progress is more certain, albeit slower or less radical.
25/05/2020 Writing fiction is enjoyable because it allows us to absolve ourselves of the responsibility that usually comes with expressing an opinion.
02/06/2020 The only way to avoid loopholes (in the law) is to make the world continuous rather than discrete.
09/06/2020 The easiest way to learn more and understand more is to assume that everything is simple. Sometimes the problem isn’t with the material, but how hard you’re making it out to be. “Simple until proven otherwise.” Look for the easiest way through a problem, and you’ve probably found the right way.
27/08/2020 It is bad to be quick to judge. But mistakes happen and the one person we should never judge too quickly is ourselves.
15/02/2021 Only do those things you believe in. Never persist when you come to the realisation that the only thing on your mind is "what's the point?". It is often so easy for us to conflate what we believe is valuable and what we believe makes us seem valuable to others.

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